Saturday, September 25, 2010

First appointment with RE

So today I had an appointment with a Reproductive Endocrinologist. They asked some pretty simple questions. I am pretty thorough with my medical history. They had access to all my current medical records so it made things easier.

They had me take a urine pregnancy test. Came up negative.

I then had an exam where they did a simple swab of the cervix to make sure i have no STD's. I don't! They just want to make sure. Ugghh!

I consented to the Endometrial biopsy so they did that during the previous exam. Basically they put a catheter in your cervix suction out some cells. Takes about 30 seconds but its quite painful/bad cramps the 30 second suction I was squeezing Dh's finger.

After the Endometrial biopsy they did a sonogram took pictures of both fallopian tubes and look at the uterus, lining. Defiantly no baby in there right now.

They went over some things with us. DH was ordered to get a sperm analysis! He so didn't want to. Oh well hon. The RE wont even proceed till they have the results of it. Can take 2 weeks.


The RE prescribed me 10 days worth of progesterone to get period started.

So I am waiting for AF to start when it does I have to call the Doctor's office to schedule an Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test that will be done between days 4 & 12 of cycle.

Day 3 of cycle I have to go in and get blood work. If day 3 falls on a Saturday I go in Friday if it falls on a Sunday I go in Monday.

Also on the first day of my cycle I will be scheduling a pelvic ultrasound to include pelvic/abdominal. Not to sure what they are looking for then.

My blood pressure was pretty high today 139/82 so I have been ordered to keep an eye on it. Wink Not sure how I can do that. Might have to make a few un-necessary trips to walgreens right down the road.


Dh's sperm analysis is scheduled for 9/30.

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